Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/14/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 4/14/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Key, Fantastical Tarot

The World- Achievement. Integration. Completion- The World indicates the ending of a cycle and the preparation for a new one. When we end one cycle, there is a period of integration needed before we can begin again. What have you learned recently? How are you utilizing these lessons? The World is saying, "You have arrived!" It' s time to claim your prize and acknowledge how far you have come. You should be very proud of yourself and all you have achieved.

The Empress- Abundance. Fertility. Power- The Empress wants you to own your power this week. It’s time to step up and shine. Stop playing small. Embrace and embody all that you are. This Empress wants me to tell you that you’ve been holding yourself back and playing small, so as not to threaten others, and she isn’t feeling it. She wants you to embrace your power, your sensuality, and be exactly who you are. The Empress manifests and creates just by being who she is, in all of her raw, unbridled power. She wants you to do the same.

Six of Cups-  Nostalgia. Reunion. Promise - The Six of Cups  indicates a dream from the past now seems possible of manifestation in the future. What is your deepest desire? Things are lining up for you to get it. You just have to believe. Take some time this week to consider your wishes for your life. What can you do to move in the direction of them? Allow the dreams and potentials to flow freely through you.

Overall- There is a distinct call for you to level up this week! You are stepping into a powerful new cycle, and you are being told to step up your game in all the ways. Stop playing small and show the world who you truly are. You are being given an opportunity to move in the direction of your dreams, so decide what you want the most, and then point your wand in that direction...

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Page of Wands- Inspiration. Optimism. Creativity-The Page of Wands brings inspiration and enthusiasm. It’s time for movement. A new path has opened up for you, and you’re feeling both excitement and trepidation about stepping onto it. Don’t hesitate. You’ve been holding yourself back out of fear of change or fear or not being ready and it’s time to let those fears go. All new ventures require a risk. It’s time to take the leap.

Eight of Swords-  Bondage. Stress. Denial- You are keeping yourself trapped and stuck and clinging to old ways of being that no longer serve you. No one is doing this to you. You have tied up and blind-folded yourself. Stop resisting the change you know. you need to make. Take a deep breath, take off the blind-fold, and look around. It’s not nearly as difficult as you are making it out to be. It’s time to take responsibility for your situation and move forward. 

Three of Wands- Potential. Vision. Creativity- The Three of Wands brings energies together in a beautiful way. Expect some clarity around your goals and visions this week. You have beautiful potential at this time and The Universe is sending you the support you need to work with that energy. Your message this week is to get focused and stay there. What do you want to create at this time? The more clarity you have, the more The Universe will conspire to help you get there.

Overall- It's time for a fresh approach. You are feeling restless and like things need to shift and change, but you're holding yourself back out of some type of fear or anxiety. The message for this week is to look for the signs the Universe is sending you and stay open to receive support and help from others. I suggest you follow through on whatever it is that lights you up and brings you energy. That's how to get out of the rut you're in.

Pile 3- Seashell, Cosmic Tarot

Queen of Swords- Boundaries. Intelligence. Idealism- The Queen of Swords brings idealism, strength, and some powerful boundaries to your aid this week. Sometimes when you really begin to shine and step into your power, you see the truth of who in your life supports you and who doesn’t. This Queen is here to help you draw some lines in the sand around anything or anyone not supporting your growth. 

Justice- Justice. Balance. Order- Justice arrives for you this week with the gift of balance and boundary setting. Stick to your ideals and principles and look for balance in all areas of your life. Where can you take a stand and bring more balanced energy into your life and the world at large? Don’t be afraid to stick to your principles this week. It’s time to pick up your sword and set your limits.

The Fool- Faith. Opportunity. Optimism-  The Fool brings fresh energy and a new opportunity. The Fool represents the beginning of a cycle. It's time to make a move and take a leap. The Fool has vision and the impulse to follow his vision, even if he doesn’t know how it will turn out. This week brings the opportunity for a fresh start. How can you optimistically take a step forward this week?

Overall- It's time to pick up your sword and set some serious boundaries around your time and energy. You need to cut off anyone and anything that is draining you because it's blocking your flow. It's time for a more objective and logical approach this week. Look at the situation from a neutral perspective. Once you center and focus your energy, your path seems to magically open up and there is fresh energy and a new possibility on the horizon. Move toward it...