Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/4/24

Spiral Path Cauldron Weekly Readings for the week of 2/4/24

Take a deep breath. Pick a pile. Scroll down to see your cards and get your weekly readings!

Blessed Be!






Pile 1- Feather, Witchy Cat Tarot

Two of Pentacles- Energy. Money. Flexibility-  You have options and this week brings you the opportunity to weigh them out. What is the best way to work with the energy that is surrounding  you? The message for you right now is to open up your mind and be a little flexible in your thinking and planning. The Two of Pentacles is telling you to put your creativity to work. It’s time to play with your options, lighten up, and maybe take a risk.  You have energy flowing out in multiple directions and you are trying to find the balance. This Two is suggesting you stay flexible, open and optimistic.  A positive shift is headed your way. 

The Moon - Cycles. Confusion. Illusions- The Moon represents cycles, intuition, and illusions. You need some clarity. You are being called to connect more deeply with your intuition to see through to the truth of your current situation. Stop letting other people’s energy cloud your judgements. It’s time to tune in to your own power and magic. Trust yourself. You know what you need.

King of Wands-  Charisma. Success. Confidence - The King of Wands brings success to your creative endeavors this week. This King is full of charm and charisma and he is here to help you put your work out into the world. What are you passionate about? What lights you up? Do that and the rest will fall into place. The King of Wands is telling you to have faith in yourself and your creative ideas. It’s time to shine. Don’t hold back. You’ve got this. Whether this King represents a person or a creative idea, the energy he comes with brings inspiration your way. Go with it…

Overall- You have been going back and forth, weighing out your options and you are feeling confused about the next steps to take. The message for you this week is to pick and choose the best option for right now and find some clarity. Trust your intuition and instincts. Clear out any excess and focus on what you truly want. Then, gather your courage and confidence and make a move.

Pile 2 - Selenite, Mythic Tarot

Seven of Wands-Competition. Struggle. Battle-The Seven of Wands indicates a struggle of some kind is in the cards for you this week. This Seven brings competition and a battle. Whether it’s internal or external, you’re being challenged to find the place where you get the attention or recognition you feel you deserve. You’re getting too caught up in the comparison game, and it’s creating conflict. Stop worrying about what other people are doing, thinking, or saying. You’re not getting anywhere with this attitude. It’s time to focus on what your own gifts and talents.

Two of Wands- Vision. Journey. Faith-  The Two of Wands brings your goals and visions to the forefront of your attention. What do you want your life to look like? Are you headed in that direction or away from it? This Two says you are being guided at this time, so pay attention to the messages you receive this week, in whatever form they arrive. It's time to get moving on your true path. Hold the vision and trust the process.

Four of Cups- Boredom. Dissatisfaction. Discontent-  The Four of Cups indicates a period of dissatisfaction or unhappiness. Things haven’t been going the way you would like them to go and it's bringing you down.  It’s time to get up, dust yourself off and take a step back.  Attitude is everything, so turn yours around this week.  Where have you created some of this upset with unrealistic expectations? Can you be more honest with yourself and your loved ones about your needs? 

Overall- You've been on the struggle bus for some time and your challenges have been trying to show you something, but you're being a bit resistant to hearing the message. This week you are being redirected, and The Universe is trying to put you back on your true path. The advice is to take an honest look at what isn't working and decide what you can do to shift this energy, so that things start to flow in a way that better suits you. Can you be more clear about what your needs truly are?

Pile 3- Key, Cosmic Tarot

Queen of Cups- Intuition. Subconscious. Emotions- There are important messages for you this week and you need to slow down and tune in to receive them. The Queen of Cups asks you to connect to your intuitive instincts and also your emotions. Have you been acknowledging your feelings or shutting them off? This Queen is here to help you tap into them. The Queen of Cups wants you to get in touch with your inner most desires. It is only in honestly accepting how you truly feel that you can make the changes necessary to move your life forward right now.

Wheel of Fortune- Kismet. Change. Luck-  Expect the unexpected when The Wheel of Fortune appears. The Wheel of Fortune says that destiny is indeed involved with your current situation, and as the wheel turns, there is a change in luck coming your way. The Wheel of Fortune brings a change in luck and one that is often karmic. Something is shifting for you this week and by the looks of it, that shift is a positive one, so stay open to the change and embrace any opportunities that present themselves. Pay attention this week. Destiny is calling. Pick up the phone when it rings.

Nine of Pentacles- Satisfaction. Success. Achievement- The Nine of Pentacles indicates a time of feeling pleased with yourself and your accomplishments. Pat yourself on the back and acknowledge that all of your hard work has paid off. You’ve built and created something steady and solid, and you should feel proud of it. Count your blessings and your wins this week. Look at all you’ve come through and take a minute to appreciate where you are. 

Overall- This week is calling for you to get in touch with your emotions and your deepest desires. What do you want at this time? An unexpected gift or opportunity appears this week and it illustrates that all of your hard work is about to pay off. Get very clear on what you truly desire and watch The Universe conspire to bring it to you. Stay open to a positive shift this week.