It goes too fast...

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“It goes too fast.” This is a phrase a mother of two young children hears often. It’s a constant reminder the years of having babies and toddlers flies by in the blink of an eye. When I hear it , I usually respond with “ yea yea , I know. “

Recently though, it’s as if the universe is constantly reminding me of that phrase. I saw a coworker in 3 different stores 3 times in a week. Once at Target, and twice at the food store. All of the times, she was shopping alone and I had my 3 year old and 1 year old in tow. Her kids are in college and I envied her pushing her shopping cart all alone, while I tried to get through my list while simultaneously throwing goldfish at my children.  She said to me “I remember those days." She said it as if she missed them. Really? I am thinking to myself. You are in Target-  ALONE!
Then we went to Disney and constantly people are commenting “Enjoy this, it goes too fast.”  Somehow, I don’t think you can appreciate this phrase until your kids are grown. Because you’re tired mama. It’s hard to enjoy every second. Sometimes kids are hard and demanding and it doesn’t feel like it’s going fast. It feels exhausting.

Last week, I held a friends 3 month old baby and I thought “Aww, I remember when my babies were this small. It goes too fast.” Dammit ! I thought the phrase!!!
So in an effort to "Enjoy this," I’ve started to stop and pause. When my toddler is splashing all over the bathroom in the tub, I laugh and splash with him. I hold onto the snuggle time a little longer. I listen to my 3 year old sing the god awful “daddy finger “ song because she thinks it’s great.

Because we all need to “Enjoy this. It goes too fast.”

